
How To Eliminate Acne With Natural Remedies

The subject of natural or homegrown acne remedies is a broad one to cover as one must be able to separate the effective options from those that really amount to little more than old wives' tales. Yet, with this said, someone searching for successful remedies for acne would be foolish to overlook the benefits of those natural remedies that have been passed on in families. These sorts of remedies based upon common sense practices or herbs are typically successful for most mild cases of acne. It is when these cases grow more severe that one should consult a physician or dermatologist.

A List of Common Natural Remedies Hot/Cold Compresses - A chief natural remedy that is recommended more often than not is the usage of hot and cold wet towel compresses to reduce swelling and eliminate clogged pores--the major culprit in the production of acne. Drinking Water - This natural remedy for acne is simple enough. The premise behind it the idea that if you drink a sufficient amount of water per day, typically 7-8 glasses of water a day, your body is cleansed of elements of toxicity that can actually contribute to the development and spread of acne. It also should be noted, that many natural remedies not only recommend to merely drink plain old ordinary water, but actually adding herbal ingredients by boiling fenugreek seeds and corn into the water. Oils and Juices - Though it can seem odd, the benefits of using natural substances like almond oil - which can actually help with the removal of acne scars - cannot be ignored.

Apricot juice helps to alleviate the presence of cysts by cutting through them. Cucumber juice - Used as a topical application, either alone or combined with carrot juice, alfalfa or lettuce. Citric fruit juices - These types of juices, such as lemon juice, serve as a natural exfoliate, removing dead skin cells which might cause clogging of the pores. You should allow it to dry on the face for approximately 10 minutes before rinsing it away with cool water. Fenugreek leaves - This remedy provides great prevention of breakouts and involves taking the fenugreek leaves, crushing them, and making a paste out of them. You should then apply it to infected areas every night, then wash it away the following morning with warm water.

Honey Mask - Because honey has naturally occurring anti-bacterial qualities it is often applied to the face as a mask, killing surface bacteria. Typically, the mask should be applied once or twice weekly depending upon the results of usage. Distilled white vinegar - Apply the vinegar as a topical solution, letting it sit on the infected area for at least 5-10 minutes.

Then rinse it thoroughly with cool water. Often the vinegar can be a little too strong so it is recommended that you dilute it, though not too much. Make-up or Cosmetic Usage - Simply put, this is a common sense remedy for acne. Just avoid using these products because more than likely the chemicals and oils used to manufacture them will clog the pores, which, in turn, leads to more breakouts. Beyond the common natural remedies for acne, there are a few other interesting options available if you know where to look.

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